Insight on a Big World

Medium blond roast coffee at 8:45 pm is not the most appropriate timing. Now wide awake with nothing to do, I lay on my bed watching youtube videos till I stumbled upon "Ideas at the House: Tavi Gevinson- Tavi's Big Big World". While listening to her speak I had an overwhelming feeling of ideas flowing through my brain. My creative juices starting to build so I became inspired to write a blog about my views and opinions on the video. 

The video was compelling and I found Tavi to be an impeccable character. It's nice to know that no matter your age, you can relate in some fashion to people of all age groups. This also made me think of how influence deferred with age such as what they take away from any situation. If you can find an hour of time to watch this video I believe that its beneficial to everyone's interpretation.  

Ever since I've started reading and following blogs, Tavi Geninson was one of the first I started to really get into. Tavi fascinated me so much so that I began to follow her blog Much to my surprise it wasn't just a bunch of teens gossiping. It was so much more from insightful political articles to influences musically, historically, and so on and so forth. Granted over the past year I have stepped away from it, listening to her speak had made me realize how my thoughts have changed and I remember thinking that same way at her age. I found it interesting her views on the topic and that even though I feel as if my thoughts have matured I might relay things now with a different perspective I still could understand her mindset.

So I hope you enjoy this video and come away with something like I did. I really do feel like she is very mature for her age but still with an age appropriate since of child like wonder. As for all the wonderful people reading this I would love to read your comments about the video or blog. 


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