My boyfriend Zach and I on our way to get breakfast
Having a day off from work can be so great, but a day off with
your boyfriend can be even better!
Here are some parts of our fun day off together.
We started off our day early to be able to have time to catch breakfast.
It was a big task getting Zack to wake up but once I did we got ready and headed off.
Being a nice day outside we walked to the restaurant. Above is one of my favorite pictures
of the day, cute camera shy boyfriend.
Englewood Cafe in Missouri |
Our great breakfast we had at Englewood Cafe
It was a busy morning at Englewood Cafe so we had to sit at a table right in
the middle of the room.
Which was interesting when I took a picture of our wonderful breakfast.
I had to stand up in the middle of all these regulars who probably don't see people
taking pictures of food there often.
A little funny and weird for the both of us but we forgot all
about it once we started eating.
The food was so good and a great way to start our day.
We got so full and knew we had a long walk back to my apartment.
Selfie time action going on during our walk
On our long walk back we rested for a bit under this bridge that I always pass. I thought it was a great time for selfies which Zack found funny. Being the great boyfriend he is he helped take ootd pictures for me. Outfit break down: 1. Shark tooth Necklace- Santa Cali Gone Fair 2. Cardigan- From my sister's friend 3. American Eagle Top- Goodwill Outlet 4. Land's End Mustard Pants- Goodwill Outlet 5. Leather Bag- Goodwill Outlet 6. Gray Converse- Lady Footlocker (Can't see in picture) |
Both wearing Converse, how cute! |
A little hand holding on the way home.
We had a cute romantic walk but it was freaking long so we rested for a bit before doing some errands. I changed in to some more comfortable clothing and we went out to dinner. Sadly while at the Mexican restaurant I forgot to take a picture but trust me the food was good. Going out to dinner with your other half can be a great time to talk and catch up. I had a fun time but was tired from the long day. So we went back to my apartment for a quite night. |
Face mask kisses!! <3 <3
Once we got back I talked him in to doing face mask. This was much easier to do then waking him up that morning but all jokes aside it was fun. We made some cookies after, then snuggled up with some Netflix till we fell asleep. Zzzzz.....
You know you spelled your own bfs name wrong right?