Gas Leak = New Stove

                  Ring ring..."Mom, I'm not feeling well can you please come over and let out the dogs this morning. Thank You." Minuets later my mom burst  frantically into my apartment asking if I was okay. "I SMELL GAS....I think you have a gas leak."

                This was the start to my morning today. A whole 51/2 hours of my day spent calling my apartment office about the gas leak, to waiting an hour before they came to "fix" the issue. Then I called into work telling them I have a gas leak and that I was feeling unwell. They tell me that I have to get my shift covered or I have to come in and work. Day started going down hill real fast. The maintenance man were not fixing anything and the gas smell was getting worse, that I had to open a window. I place the dog kennels next to the window for them to get fresh air to live. I couldn't take it anymore that I called the gas company. Quickly I learned that the office manager didn't want them called. The man from the gas company found the gas leak in my stove. This made the apartment manager mad that they had to give me a new stove, since they couldn't fix the other one. 

            Icing on the cake of the evening was that the whole reason the manager didn't want the gas company called was the fact they had not had the complexes inspected for gas since 2008. It hit me at that moment that I had to move the hell out of dodge. Lesson learned, it's not always the people living in the apartment complex that are not safe it can be the management and staff. Learning the hard way these days. Don't make that same mistake when you move. 



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