Kansas City Fashion Week Wednesday Evening Show | Spring 2017

Fashion week may be over, but you can still experience it all here! Take a look at these amazing designers and meet some new bloggers. I want to thank everyone at the Kansas City Fashion Week LLC for letting us have the opportunity to be part of the media, while also getting a front row and behind the scenes look at the 2017 spring collections. Check out our last video where we take you to KCFW Garden Party.

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Kansas City Fashion Week LLC

The Photo Bus KC

Ritz Chatterjee Dasgupta
Instagram - @Ritz_Journospeak

Jasmine Diane
website - jasminediane.com

Antonia Y. Martin

Lordag & Sondag


Mitsu Sato Hair Academy

Thu Vu

Wednesday Evening Show Designers:
Eltee by Laura Higginbotham
Instagram - @laurakhigginbotham

Irina Tevzadze
Instagram - @irina_tevzadze

LV Swim by Lauren Hulen
Instagram - @lv_swim

Earkandie! Poparazzi Inspired Jewelry by Bosede Iyewarun
Instagram - @EarKandie1111

TR Brown by Tiffany Brown
Instagram - @Trbrownfashion

Aerona by Morgan Mason
Instagram - @aerona.fashion

Branded By Sher - Shermonda Green

Sheraz Pompey
Instagram - @badboyrez

Munelle De Vie - Munisa Khuramova
Instagram - @munelle

Follow Me:
Instagram: http://instagram.com/uneedasee
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uneedasee
Blogger: http://uneedasee.blogspot.com/
Tumblr: http://uneedasee.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uneedasee

-Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-H55


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