Self Health September | Pumpkin Spice Pancakes Fail
Another five days of eating healthy and working out. This time I've really been hitting up my local community gym. Love how the equipment stands up to other high end gyms, so I can get a quality workout at a low price! When it comes to working out and toning up my body, I really like using weights for faster results. Yes some of you may be afraid to use weights because you're not trying to bulk up like a pro wrestler but neither am I. That's why I feel that it's very important to watch what you eat while doing certain kinds of workouts. I benefit from a lean meat, low sodium, good fats, very low carbohydrates, high in vitamins, vegetables and fruit kind of "diet". Don't get me wrong though, by no means am I a nutritionist or fitness instructor. I'm just showing and telling you the best "diet" and workout plan that has worked out for me in the past.