Self Health September | Getting Started
I've been wanting to get back in to shape for a while now but was one of those people that just would keep putting it off and making up lame excuses. I finally said the only way to get back in is by starting off big by committing to do it for a whole month. So I started Self Health September, where every day I would workout and eat clean. When I started these first five days, my weight started off at 216 lbs where my body was always hurting, and feeling fatigued. I feel that loving who you are in your own body is very important, but how I was feeling in my body made me need to make a change.
From the beginning I had to start planning every meal for the week. Waking up even earlier in the morning to workout, cook breakfast and pack a healthy lunch. The first day I had an appointment to get to before work, so I had to wake up even earlier. After day two it started becoming easier and got me into a pretty good routine. Working in the middle of the day made it hard to workout at a gym so it started to get repetitive making me want to branch out my routine. I felt pretty motivated after seeing that after five days I had already lost 4 lbs. I couldn't wait for my days off to get to try a new workout.
Now to keep up with my Self Health September journey, be sure to follow on Instagram and YouTube for the next five day video. Feel free to also #selfhealthseptember for your own health journey, so we all can help each other to the same goal.

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