Haul: Thrift and Cosmetics


Hey guys this is my first vlog post that I've attempted to do. I have been wanting to make vlogs for about a year now and I'm finally getting around to doing so. Sorry if my hair get wispy or crazy in this as well as the nose coming from my dogs in the back. I hope you enjoy this video and look forward to your comments.

Follow Me:
instagram: @uneedaanita
facebook: www.facebook.com/uneedaanita
blogger: uneedaanita.blogspot.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/UneedaAnita
tumblr: u-needa.tumblr.com

Items in Video:
-Speed Style Dry Shampoo/ Sally's
-Neutrogena Cosmic Black 10 eye liner/ Target
-Goody hair clip/ Target
-Alba Botanica Natural Acne face and body scrub/ Target
-Adidas Hoodie/ Thrift Store
-Black and White Stripped Top/ Thrift Store
-INC two sided cardigan/ Thrift Store
- Gold feather ring/ Savers
-Sunglasses/ Savers
-Wild Pair short boots/ Savers
-Dex ankle boots/ Savers

-Kodak play touch HD Camera

Editing Software:
-Windows Movie Maker


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