UNeeda Listen

                                                                      So Fly from uneedaanita on 8tracks Radio.

Rolling out of bed in the morning can be hard but for me if I have the right music blaring in my room it gets me started for the day. So I found this awesome playlist website called 8tracks that helps me put together mixed music for blogging, jogging, driving in the car, or what have you. When I was picking the music for my So Fly mix I wanted something uplifting to get me motivated before having my morning coffee. Getting up and dance around the apartment freaking out my dogs as they excitedly jump around me. Push the limits with my jogging as the tempo picks up, hearts racing and blood is pumping. So I hope this playlist helps motivate you and gets you going. I will post playlist for you guys every now and then so stay tuned. Below is a list of songs I picked. Feel free to leave any comments below and I look forward to write back soon.  


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