Rosie's most favorite things

Everyone has something they favor over something else.  You see it all the time - current favorites, monthly favorites, the best of this or that, the items most loved or most used, etc.  I thought I would share with you five things I most cherish in my life, but I certainly have more favorites than these.  I put together a video montage above, but I would like to go into detail on why these five things are my favorite.


It's only been five or so years since I've grown to love the taste of coffee.  Give me a white mocha latte or vanilla latte; I'm not a straight up black coffee person.  I'm also not a coffee snob or a coffee connoisseur.  I know what I like and I've tried out several smaller coffee shops in the Kansas City area.  There are much better options out there than Starbucks (of course Starbucks works for me too; it's just not my first choice).  Coffee taste great and is relaxing.  It satisfies my morning palate, but surprisingly does not wake me up or energize me.  Coffee caffeine just doesn't have the same affect on me as it does with other people.  When I have the funds, I tend to buy coffee out a lot.  Just go through my Instagram feed and you'll agree.

   coffee drinks (in order from left to right) - Hattie's Coffee, Hi Hat Coffee, Hammerhand Coffee


What can I say about driving?  It's fun, exhilarating.  It's freedom, independence.  I can go anywhere, do anything (as long as I have a dependable vehicle...).  The only thing I haven't done is taken road trips - yeah, that's in my future.


My interest in makeup has also been a recent one, five years or so.  I only started wearing makeup when I was a senior in high school and barely any, if that.  Gradually, over the years, in college and afterwards, did I wear more and start to experiment with drugstore and high-end brands.  I feel like my interest didn't perk, or at least begin to care more, until I started watching more YouTube videos, following women and men who love makeup and all things beauty.  I'm a VIB member at Sephora now.  I was an Ultamate Rewards member at Ulta for a few years.  I also used to monthly subscribe to Ipsy, but now I just receive Play! by Sephora boxes.  Yes, my interests have grown.  Makeup makes me feel good about myself.  It's fun to play with and keep up with the latest news, the newest launches.

Fresh - I love wearing their famous sugar tinted lip balms!

here's my small collection of makeup at home...


Playing pool is my favorite pastime.  I'm not a great player but I can hold my own against seasoned players.  It's fun and that's what matters, but I know the more I practice the better I'll be. 

at The Foundry in Kansas City

at Side Pockets in Blue Springs


I have had my cat since 2013.  I got him when he was a kitten, about 10 weeks old.  He's precious to me.  He is lovable, although he is quite shy when most people come by my house.  Gus can be ornery too.  Just yesterday he spilled my entire drink on the coffee table and a bit dripped on the rug!  I cannot even step away for a minute before he goes after it.  He must love red straws, or straws in general.  This is not the first time it has happened.  Last time my drink spilled all over the rug.  What a mess!  I cannot be mad at him long, though.  Just look at his eyes!

One of the few images I have of Gus as a kitten.  Anita was right; I should've taken more pictures...

He likes laying on top of the couch, right by my head!

Gus is camera shy.  He knows when I'm about to take his picture!

So these are five of my favorite things.  What are some of your favorite things?  Comment below!  Hope you enjoyed watching the video above.  Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content to come!  



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