Solar Eclipse Path of Totality 2017
Last Monday I got to witness being in the Path of Totality Solar Eclipse. This might be the only one I will see in my lifetime and some people go their whole life never seeing one, so I felt very lucky and wanted to share it with the rest of the world. Not the best shot of it but it is my experience. I sadly had to work this day, so I was not able to go to one of the many Solar Eclipse Events happening around town. Being in Kansas City made it a little bit harder to see it in its full beauty. So amazed by the amount of people who stop everything they were doing to watch this Eclipse.
The morning started off with a thunderstorm and luckily I had already been up for two hours before the downpour to let out my dogs. I was sitting at my kitchen table with my laptop working on a few things as the lights in the house started flashing like The Exorcist and then the lights fully went out. Dressing in the dark to go to work I thought would it would be the worst part, but when I got out to my car it was surrounded by so much water I had to tip toe in the passenger seat and climb over into the driver side. There was so much rain I thought that the chances of us seeing the Eclipse was next to nothing. Luckily at the perfect time the clouds parted and the sun came out for its big debut. I never got around to buying Solar glasses so for the first part I tried to use my sunglasses, but trust me that does not work. Zack, my boyfriend, kindly brought me some which I used on my camera. I really liked whomever put the contraption up in the park for everyone to see. With everything happening in the world right now I found it so beautifully poetic that parts of the world we all stood in silence together and experienced this amazing thing as one. You could really feel the world go silent and it was magical. Then it lasted for a few seconds and the world quickly went back to the way it was. The sun went away and the clouds came back and it carried out like a normal rainy day.

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