Shop Small Business Saturday - in Kansas City
Throughout this year, Anita and I have gone to several handmade events or craft fairs and have met some really cool small business owners. For Small Business Saturday, we thought it would be great to promote those shops that we like in the Kansas City area in hopes that you go out tomorrow and shop not only at these great places but also at your favorite local retailers or those small companies online who will most likely have their own sales, or at least free shipping. Happy shopping!
follow on Instagram @lemonthymekc
*this $195 sofa will be on sale this weekend!
Lemon Thyme
3921 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri
Hours of Operation:
Friday, Nov 24 - 10am to 6pm
Saturday, Nov 25 - 9am to 5pm
Sunday, Nov 26 - 12pm to 5pm
This antique store sells uniquely curated goods. Most of their Christmas items will be 10% off and you will receive a free vintage ointment with any purchase this weekend.
follow on Instagram @willettstudios
Willett Studios
Studio inside of Englewood Row Gallery and Art Space
10922 E Winner Rd, Independence, Missouri
Hours of Operation:
Saturday, Nov 25 - 12pm to 4pm
They sell uniquely hand drawn earrings using color pencils. They are having a Buy 2 Get 1 Free pair of any earrings tomorrow. Bonus - First 5 customers that come to their studio get an additional pair of earrings!
Ps and Qs Handmade
Booth inside of The Ugly Glass & Company (in the West Bottoms)
1219 W 11th Street, Kansas City, Missouri
First and Second Floors
Instagram: @psandqshandmade
Hours of Operation:
Saturday, Nov 25 - 10am to 5pm
They sell Bohemian style accessories to wear and for home. Tomorrow their booth at The Ugly Glass & Company will be 20% off. They have 10% off now on their Etsy shop from November 20 - December 20th when you use coupon code - HOLLYJOLLY10.
Tigersheep Friends
Instagram: @tigersheep_friends
They sell illustrated goods for the curious human. They will have 20% off tomorrow on their Etsy shop when you use coupon code - WELOVEU.

Lost and Found Design
Instagram: @lostandfounddesign
They sell handmade jewelry made of wood, leather and bronze paired with modern design. Tomorrow is 20% off your purchase on their Etsy shop when you use coupon code - TURKEY20.

Launderette Numbered Style
Instagram: @launderettenumberedstyle
They make jewelry out of military laundry pins. It's a really neat story, more detail on their website. Through Monday they are having a buy any two items, mix or match, and get 10% off or buy any four items, mix or match, and get 20% off and of course free shipping!
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