The Last Three Self Health September Recap

So I know that it is November, not September, but things have been so busy that the last three Self Health September videos never went up. I wanted to still share my experience so it would help others with their health journeys. The last fifteen days of the month were the most worth it for me, between getting over my food cravings to learning that I really like yoga. Soon I also learned the importance of not looking at the scale every day because muscle weighs more than fat. 

The Self Health September Start to Yoga was the beginning of me doing more group workout classes. I tried a free week at a yoga studio that was heated yoga. Even though I started doing yoga, the location of the place was not close to home, so I still went and worked out at the gym when I could. 

Food cravings were getting better even with my boyfriend tempting me with fast food and having to make two different meals for dinner. I learned to break up meals and even bring snacks to work, and drinking lots of water helped too. 

Self Health September Rant & Sickness started off with me feeling very uncomfortable and upset with the yoga studio I was having a free week trial with. They had bad communication skills and made me feel unwelcome, making it to where I never finished out my whole week. I'm not going to say where the place was because I don't want to shed light on a place that is ran like that, but I'm for sure never going back and will tell people close to me about my experience. Yoga is supposed to be a calm environment, not surrounded by negativity. This helped me find other local yoga studios that are much better and will be keep me as a customer. Whew....second rant over. 

I had noticed that this month I seemed to have gotten sick more than once, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that diet change or working out. I believe that this month I was much more focused on my health that I really did notice when I was sick. Before I would think much of it because I would just eat something unhealthy that I thought would make me feel better and lay around the house. Self Health September, though, I wasn't supposed to lay around; I was going to sweat it out and eat something healthy that might not feel too good at the moment but made me feel much better later.

The Last and final week to Self Health September I wanted to really end it right. I not only went to some new workout classes but I also hit up the gym. Doubling up because I was starting to see that I could make time for my new lifestyle change. The week before I was doing yoga classes in the park and this week I took some of the classes my local gym offered. I decided to take two of their harder classes, the Kaerobox Kick Boxing class and TRX, which is pictured below. In the Kaerobox class I could really feel the burn; it's the type of class that makes you feel like you really worked out. The only issue with the class is that I should not have eaten dinner right before because I felt like I had to throw up towards the end. TRX made me see that it is okay to modify your workouts depending on what your body is telling you, even in a class environment.  

I really feel like this experience has done what I wanted it to, which is getting me back to working out and wanting to eat healthier. It feels like a life change that also makes me have more room in my day. Self Health September might not be a new thing I do each year, but I will be doing more health related things and definitely going to be working on that summer body!



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